Bernie & Brenda


Serving in Togo, Africa

Account #2406460

FATAD, B.P. 2313
TOGO West Africa

The Smiths, Assemblies of God missionaries since 1991, served at the West Africa Advanced School of Theology (WAAST) from 1994 to 2023. The Smiths enjoy traveling to the WAAST extension centers throughout West and Central Africa to teach three-week block courses and to minister in the local churches.


Bernie teaches at the two Togo Bible Institutes and helps with building tabernacles for new church plants in Togo. He works with the WAAST International Chapel, a church of 1500 members which broadcasts via Radio Jesus Loves You on the WAAST campus. He holds degrees from Central Bible College (B.A. Bible) and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (M.A. Missiology). He served as youth and children's pastor at Highview Assembly of God in Lampe, Missouri, and Oak Grove Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri. Then he pastored Alfordsville Assembly of God in Indiana before becoming a missionary.


Brenda produces a weekly prayer bulletin, encouraging prayer for the Muslim world, particularly those in West and Central Africa. She served as communications coordinator for WAAST and produced the school's newsletters and a weekly prayer bulletin. She has her B.A. in English and Bible from Goshen College.


Bernie and Brenda have two children and two grandchildren.


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For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given… (Is 9:6, NKJV). This Sunday we celebrate the birth of Jesus, whom we know as the Son of God and our Savior. But for the 1.9 billion people who follow Islam, this child was born of a virgin, yes, and even performed miracles as a prophet of Allah—but He cannot be the Son of God nor a savior. Blinded to the truth of who Jesus is, they ignore or even rage against the claims of Christ. And as Islam gains influence throughout Africa, WAAST students and alumni face greater challenges in their ministries. Terrorist activity has displaced millions and caused hundreds of churches to close. Muslim property owners refuse to sell or rent land to a church or a house to a Christian. Local Muslim officials may withhold permission to hold events, and travel is increasingly dangerous, limiting church and outreach activities. Churches must apply strict security measures in areas where kidnappings and attacks are a constant threat. Muslim charities actively lure people to embrace Islam with offers of financial help, a roof, well, education, etc., and Muslim men seek out Christian girls to marry, then raise the children in Islam. Fear keeps many believers (and even church leaders) from reaching out to Muslim neighbors, but building relationships with and interceding for them are necessary if they are to know this truth: that this Child, God Incarnate, was sent to earth for them.

Please pray

• for those serving in Muslim areas, that they might lead by example and teach their people to pray for and befriend Muslim neighbors;

• that churches and believers would find favor in their communities and respond with firm, Spirit-inspired love to those who would threaten or harass them;

• for Christian young people in the churches, especially girls, who are often targeted with offers for a “better life” in Islam;

• that pastors and believers scattered among those displaced would be used mightily to bring people to hope and salvation, for the glory of God.

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Many WAAST students and alumni who minister in West and Central Africa face dual challenges: instability and the increased persecution of believers. Instability: As religious and political conflict spreads in many nations of Africa, these workers and their churches are offering earthly help and eternal hope to people caught in the crossfire. More than 25 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are internally displaced due to conflict and violence alone; more than half of these live in West and Central Africa. Millions more live tenuously in the midst of chronic unrest. Areas are destabilized at times by floods, drought, and other natural disasters, driving still others away from home or ruining them economically. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on already weak economies still impact many nations. Persecution: Many people who leave the religion of their ancestors (e.g., animism, Islam) to follow Jesus, are threatened, even harmed and thrown out by their families. They need a safe haven, a new community, and discipleship. We thank God that many hurting people can find Assemblies of God and other Bible-believing churches in places where they live or where they have fled.

Please pray

• for divine strength and encouragement for church leaders, missionaries, and believers living in troubled areas, and that the Lord would protect them and use them to bring others to peace in Jesus;

• for provision for churches to help refugees and others in need, and that the Spirit would draw these people to God as they see His love expressed toward them;

• for the thousands of pastors and church members who have been displaced by conflict;

• for church leaders as they minister to new believers who face persecution. This sometimes involves providing them a safe place to stay and helping them “start over.”

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No matter where they minister WAAST students and alumni face the challenge of tribalism, the belief that one’s people group is superior, and regionalism, the idea that the people of one’s defined region should hold the power. These attitudes are common wherever there are people—and sadly, they affect not just the nations and communities outside the Church, but seep into churches at the local and even the national level. Such churches become divided, or ingrown, refusing to reach out to bring “different” people into the Kingdom. The Bible gives a different picture of the Church as she gathers to worship before God’s throne: “there...was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” (Rev. 7:9, emphasis added). God created, loves, and seeks after all people and never intended false, earthly divisions to exclude others from the one heavenly, holy tribe gathered around His throne to worship the Lamb.

Please pray

  • that the Holy Spirit would help church leaders to resist the temptation and even pressure to favor some people groups over others, and to model for their congregations God’s love for all people;
  • that WAAST students, alumni, and other church leaders and workers would continually keep in mind this vision and work toward adding people to the number in this diverse crowd–-the Church—who will spend eternity together;
  • for those who struggle with a sense of rejection, that the undiscriminating love of God’s people would draw them to Him;
  • for those who suffer persecution because they have “betrayed” their tribe to follow Jesus. May God use them to bring others to the Lord.

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When a person comes to Christ, he is a new creation (2Co 5:17). He has direct access to God through Jesus, and the Holy Spirit begins His sanctifying work. However, beliefs that have been inculcated since childhood are not easily dismissed. New believers who had put their trust in a fetish priest and his instructions and charms may transfer this trust to a “prophet” and his anointed oil or holy water, instead of in Jesus and the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, some church leaders encourage this, demanding payment for prayers and blessings or selling “anointed” objects. Such mixing of beliefs and rituals from unrelated religions is called “syncretism,” and it can be obvious or quite subtle. Looking for a “better” life in this world, many Christians are attracted to “prosperity” teachings, to the neglect of truly following Jesus and building His kingdom. Believers who are not grounded in God’s Word and growing in faith may fall prey to cults that promote social status and wealth (e.g., Freemasonry). Some agree to follow Islam in exchange for support, a well, or education for their children. Others may seek “the god within” through eastern religions.

Please pray

  • for Christians who struggle to leave behind ingrained beliefs and rituals of their past, that they might develop an intimate relationship with their Savior and learn to listen to and obey the Holy Spirit;

  • for leaders who claim to be shepherds, but who preach deceptive, self-serving doctrine and lead people from the truth, that the Spirit would graciously convict them;

  • for church leaders and mature believers as they teach people to know God’s Word and thus to discern false teachings

  • for strength for believers who face pressure or persecution from those of other faiths, family members, or the community as they take a stand for Jesus.

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When we allow God to interrupt our schedule, wonderful things can happen! Bernie & Brenda Smith Your Missionaries to West Africa Advanced School of Theology, Lomé, Togo
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Scenes from Pentecost 2013 at the WAAST International Chapel in Lomé, Togo
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Bernie and Brenda Smith are your missionaries to West Africa Advanced School of Theology.
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An introduction to the ministry of Bernie and Brenda Smith at the West Africa Advanced School of Theology in Lomé, Togo.
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